Stamp Collecting as a Therapy

Stamp Collecting as a Therapy

Kids Need Stamps 2 continues to support the honorable project "Stamps For the Wounded" which gathers donated stamps and uses them to help wounded U.S. military veterans in hospitals around the world. 

How do they help wounded veterans with stamps?

They put together stamps and albums as a package and present the gift to the wounded soldier. The wounded find concentrating on stamps in all its facets takes their mind off their injuries. The therapy of using stamps is it can be a delightful distraction from a troubled past, troubled present or perhaps a troubled world. 

I am convinced the energy it takes to organize stamps, learn their origins and keep a running count of these wonderful miniature examples of art and history is a major step towards regaining confidence.
However; I would not advertise stamp collecting as some type of miracle cure for disabilities, mental health issues or the recovery soldiers face while dealing with months of pain and uncertainty. But in the mix of medicines and methods it has a genuine place as an artistic therapy worthy of serious consideration.

After hearing from a number of moms about how stamps from our free stamp starter kits were instrumental in helping their children I am forced to wonder if stamp collecting could have an impact  on autistic children (not really sure what part of the spectrum this might work) but I am open to try to help in this regard.

Let me know. There's enormous potential in stamps as ready instruments for education, pastime, entertainment and maybe possibly -- a component of the healing process.

Produced by Kids Need Stamps 2

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  1. I am one of those parents you reference and I can testify that my child has improved as a student and as a less shy individual due to stamps. I pray your work helps others as well. We salute your efforts.
